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February 1918 to April 1918

Image – MT Drivers stop for tea on the busy Seres road, approximately 500 Lorries were moving supplies each day along this route.

In contrast with the previous year’s harsh conditions, only two days were lost to bad weather during February, March and April 1918, although one day was described as a blizzard of snow. The company was busy moving supplies by lorry from the railhead at Guvesne to K70 and along the light rail line to Kopriva and Gumus Dere. In April market gardening to supply the troops with fresh vegetables is in full swing and 1 lorry a day was sent to the Corps Gardens.


There were a lot of comings and goings during this three month period, leave continued with one man to the UK and two to Salonika. Health continues to be an issue with 5 men sent to hospital. The following men joined the company; one from 820 Employment Company, one from the Labour Corps, two from the BMTD, three more PB men and six Maltese for fatigues. The following left the company; one man for the No2 Infantry Base Depot to return to his unit, one back to the BMTD, the three PB men returned to 820 Employment Company, one man was detached to the Greek Division and 2/Lt A.E. Metcalfe Gibson is transferred to 338 M.T. Coy A.S.C. 

Captain Holland was promoted to Major and temporarily supervised the 739th M.T. Company, the diary doesn’t say why but it could have been sickness cover, a Captain M. Rees A.S.C. relieves the CO of supervision after a couple of days. One officer and one N.C.O. were sent to gas school for instruction, and another N.C.O. was sent to a reed thatching class, reed was being used widely for roofing due to its availability and good insulating properties in the extreme climate.  One man was sent to the R.E. base depot and one to 660 MT Company for trade tests.


The company continued repairing Corps cars and began repairing the XVI Corps Cyclist Battalion’s bicycles. The company took over maintenance of medical vehicles from 28th F.A.W.U. (Field Ambulance Workshop Unit). The growth in size and the increase in workload of the company was causing a problem with storekeeping, a request for additional store personnel, one Corporal Storekeeper and two Store clerks was sent to Corps HQ.

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